Commercial Services

Exterior Wash

Extreme weather conditions in Arizona, including dust storms, massive heat, and elevated pollution rates, can damage painted surfaces and other materials. Regularly power washing your buildings is the smart choice to protect and prolong the life of the exterior appearance of your workplace and add enhance the quality of your brand appearance.

X-Stream Pressure offers specialized power washing services for a wide range of businesses — restaurants, gas stations, retail stores, medical offices, and more.

Eliminate dirt, grime, graffiti, and grease to give your business a positive identity. Contact us today for a free estimate.


Curb appeal offers more than just pleasant aesthetics. It provides customers a sense of security and pride in frequenting your establishment. If the sidewalks in front of your store are marred with graffiti, gum, litter, and other forms of debris, it can negatively impact how your customers perceive the inside of your business.

We clean any type of outdoor surface, such as concrete, brick, or wood for a fresh new look with every wash.

Maintain customer retention while limiting the traction of dirt, grease, and trash into your place of business with proven power washing services from X-Stream Pressure. Contact us today for a free estimate.

Parking Lots

Parking lots are one of the last things a business owner thinks of when it comes to maintaining a clean exterior of their business. However, the cleanliness of your parking lots is just as important to the satisfaction of customers as the storefront and interior. What if you had to park where a car leaked oil or someone dropped their soda, leaving behind a sticky residue?

With X-Stream Pressure, we offer reliable, heated power washing services to clean all of the oil, gum, graffiti, and other sticky substances from your parking lots and parking garages. Call us now for a free estimate.


Cleaning the exterior of your building, the storefront, and parking lots is just the beginning of our services. X-Stream Pressure also has plenty of specialized services to give your business the immaculate look customers are looking for. These services include:

  • High-rise building washing: We will get up as high as we need to clean every corner from the ground to the skyline.

  • Gum and graffiti removal: Get rid of unsightly material and return any surface to pristine condition.

  • Dumpster pad cleaning: Keep odor under control and maintain a hygienic appearance.

  • Drive-thru cleaning: Provide customer satisfaction even when they never leave their vehicle.

Give X-Stream Pressure a call today for a free consultation and take care of the exterior appearance of your business.

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